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Get Involved

How can I get involved?

You can get involved!
There are so many ways to get involved with The Wolf HunterZ. If you have any gifts, talents or special abilities and you want to help we would love to try to find a way to fit you into our Wolf HunterZ community.
No Special abilities?
Maybe you don't feel like you have anything to offer but a willingness to invest your time and energy. Well we can help you find your place. All we need is a willing heart.
Please Contact us  
Join the movement

The Wolf HunterZ is aware that we are living in a dying world full of selfishness and pain. Its time to go to war against it and defeat this enemy with our greatest weapon of warfare which is love! It is easy to fight against the world with riots, violence and profanity but we are of a different breed. We aren't the wolves we are The Wolf HunterZ.

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